Latakia Tobacco Production

Close-up of Latakia tobacco leaves

Latakia tobacco, with its distinctive smoky flavor and rich history, has captivated the senses of tobacco enthusiasts for centuries. Its production process, a unique blend of tradition and innovation, is a journey that begins in the sun-drenched fields of Syria and Cyprus and ends in the smokehouses where the leaves are cured to perfection. This journey, filled with meticulous care and craftsmanship, transforms the humble tobacco leaf into a luxury product cherished by many. As we delve into the world of Latakia tobacco production, we’ll uncover the secrets behind its unique flavor, explore the intricacies of its production process, and discover why this tobacco variety holds a special place in the hearts of tobacco connoisseurs worldwide.

Introduction to Latakia Tobacco

Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria . Today, it is primarily produced in Cyprus due to political and regulatory changes .

Historical Background

The production of Latakia tobacco was potentially discovered by accident when farmers, faced with a surplus of tobacco, stored the excess in the rafters of their homes . The tobacco naturally absorbed the smoky fumes from the fires used for cooking and heating, resulting in a uniquely rich, heavy taste and smoky aroma .

Production Process

The production process of Latakia tobacco is known for its remarkable length and complexity .

Sun-Drying and Smoke-Curing

After harvesting, the tobacco leaves are sun-dried . They are then hung over a fire fueled by oak, cedar, and other local aromatic essences . This slow-burning fire releases a thick, aromatic smoke, which the tobacco leaves absorb over several weeks .

The Role of Local Aromatic Essences

The local aromatic essences used in the fire contribute significantly to the characteristic smoky and earthy aroma of Latakia tobacco . The specific blend of essences used and the length of the curing process can result in differing Latakia flavor strains .

The Unique Characteristics of Latakia Tobacco

Latakia tobacco is known for its robust smokiness, enhanced by the fragrances of the materials used to cure it .

Flavor Profile

Latakia tobacco has a smoky, peppery flavor with overtures arising from the mainly evergreen woods used in the curing process . It also has a hint of smooth sweetness reminiscent of leather or a campfire .

Use in Tobacco Blends

Latakia is primarily used in making pipe tobacco blends, particularly in English pipe tobacco mixtures . It is also used in non-traditional cigar blends by companies such as Drew Estate Cigars .

Latakia Tobacco in Modern Times

In modern times, Latakia tobacco has found its place in various tobacco products.

Latakia in Pipe Tobacco

Latakia is a key component in many pipe tobacco blends, contributing its unique smoky flavor and aroma . Some pipe smokers even experiment with creating their own blends using Latakia .

Latakia in Cigars

Latakia has also been used in non-traditional cigar blends, adding a robust and distinctive flavor .

The Future of Latakia Tobacco

The future of Latakia tobacco is influenced by various factors, including production challenges and emerging trends.

Production Challenges

Latakia tobacco production faces challenges such as political instability and regulatory changes . Additionally, the long and complex production process can be affected by factors such as climate and availability of local aromatic essences .

Innovations and Trends

Despite these challenges, innovations and trends in the tobacco industry may open up new opportunities for Latakia tobacco. For example, the growing popularity of pipe smoking and the trend towards more robust and flavorful tobacco blends could increase demand for Latakia tobacco .

what is latakia tobacco and how is it produced

Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria, named after its major port city of Latakia. However, due to varying regulations and politics, large-scale production has permanently moved to Cyprus .

The production process of Latakia tobacco is quite unique. After harvesting, the tobacco leaves are first dried in the air and sun. The second step is crucial, where the pre-dried leaves are dried for a longer period of time over oven fires and specially added herbs. This process gives the tobacco its characteristic dark color and smoky note .

The traditional Syrian Latakia process involves sun-drying the tobacco leaves, then placing them in a barn where they are smoked over a fire made from aromatic woods and herbs. This process gives Latakia tobacco its unique flavor, often described as smoky and spicy .

Latakia tobacco is primarily used in making pipe tobacco blends, particularly in English pipe tobacco mixtures. Modern blenders have made successful recipes consisting of up to 50% Latakia, though these are generally regarded as robust blends and not for those who are looking for a lighter flavor .

Latakia tobacco is a small industry, with an annual yield of about 60,000 pounds, which is insignificant when compared to the overall global tobacco production, which is primarily focused on cigarettes .

what are the characteristics of latakia tobacco

Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria, named after its major port city of Latakia. It is characterized by its strong, spicy, and smoky flavor, which is a result of its unique production process .

The leaves of Latakia tobacco are first sun-dried, then smoked over a fire made from aromatic woods and herbs. This process gives the tobacco its characteristic dark color and smoky note . The main components of the embers used in the smoking process are often pine and oak, along with different herbs .

Latakia tobacco is known for its forgiving qualities when smoked, producing less tongue bite than other tobaccos primarily because of its long process of fire-curing . This process consumes a large portion of the sugar in the tobacco leaves, resulting in a product that is easy to smoke and burns at a very low temperature .

Despite its strong flavor, Latakia tobacco has a low nicotine content, making it a mild tobacco . It is often used as a condiment or “spice” tobacco, enhancing and distinguishing a blend rather than being smoked alone .

Latakia tobacco is primarily used in making pipe tobacco blends, particularly in English pipe tobacco mixtures. Modern blenders have made successful recipes consisting of up to 50% Latakia, though these are generally regarded as robust blends and not for those who are looking for a lighter flavor .

In terms of aroma, when Latakia is burned, it has a characteristic wood smoke aroma accompanied by floral sweet undertones . Some smokers also note a leathery and earthy aroma from Latakia .

what are the different types of latakia tobacco

There are two primary types of Latakia tobacco: Syrian Latakia and Cyprian Latakia.

Syrian Latakia was traditionally produced in Syria using a specific tobacco leaf known as Shekk-el-Bint. The leaves were sun-dried and then smoke-cured in barns, giving the tobacco its distinctive smoky flavor. However, due to political instability and other factors, Syrian Latakia is no longer produced .

Cyprian Latakia, on the other hand, is currently the main type of Latakia tobacco available in the market. It is produced in Cyprus using a similar process to Syrian Latakia. The tobacco leaves are sun-dried and then smoke-cured over fires made from aromatic woods and herbs .

Despite being produced using similar processes, Syrian and Cyprian Latakia are quite distinct from each other. Each type has unique qualities and different flavor profiles, with Syrian Latakia being known for its more subtle and complex flavors, while Cyprian Latakia is often described as having a stronger and more robust flavor .


Latakia tobacco, with its unique production process and distinctive smoky flavor, holds a special place in the world of tobacco. Despite facing challenges, it continues to be a key component in various tobacco products, and its future looks promising with potential new opportunities on the horizon.


Latakia tobacco production is a small industry, with an annual yield of about 60,000 pounds. This is insignificant when compared to the overall global tobacco production, which is primarily focused on cigarettes .


  1. What is Latakia tobacco? Latakia tobacco is a sun-dried and smoke-cured tobacco product that originated in Syria and is named after the port city of Latakia .
  2. Where is Latakia tobacco produced? Large-scale production of Latakia tobacco has moved to Cyprus due to sociopolitical issues within Syria .
  3. How is Latakia tobacco made? The traditional Syrian Latakia process involves sun-drying the tobacco leaves, then placing them in a barn where they are smoked over a fire made from aromatic woods and herbs .
  4. What is the flavor of Latakia tobacco? Latakia tobacco has a unique flavor that is often described as smoky, spicy, and robust .
  5. Can Latakia tobacco be used in cigars? Yes, Latakia tobacco is often used in cigar blends and is known for its rich, intense, smoky, and peppery experience .
  6. What is the history of Latakia tobacco? Latakia tobacco was potentially discovered by accident when a bumper crop resulted in surplus tobacco. The farmers stored the excess tobacco in the rafters of their homes, which at the time was an effective way of preservation as the smoke from the open wood fires used for heating and cooking gave the tobacco a unique, smoky flavor .
  7. What are the different varieties of Latakia tobacco? There are two primary varieties of Latakia tobacco: Syrian Latakia and Cyprian Latakia. These two tobaccos are quite distinct from one another, each having unique qualities, and very different personalities .
  8. Why is Latakia tobacco important in pipe tobacco blends? Latakia is of primary importance to the entire category of English blends. It is so prominent to pipe smoking interests because of its unique, smoky flavor .
  9. What is the yield of Latakia tobacco? The annual yield of Latakia tobacco is about 60,000 pounds .
  10. What are the challenges in Latakia tobacco production? With total production concentrated in one small part of the globe, Latakia supply is subject to dangers. For instance, a large proportion of leaf was damaged during the fire-curing process a couple of years ago, causing a shortage in supply .
  11. What is the impact of the fire-curing process on Latakia tobacco? The long fire-curing process has a lot of chemical effects on the tobacco. It consumes a large portion of the sugar and thoroughly cooks the leaf, making it blackened and very caramelized. Its low sugar content also contributes to easy smoking .
  12. How does Latakia tobacco differ from other tobaccos? Latakia tobacco is unique due to its sun-drying and smoke-curing processes, which give it a distinct smoky and spicy flavor. It is also known for its forgiving qualities when smoked, producing less tongue bite than other tobaccos primarily because of its long curing process .
  13. What is the role of Latakia tobacco in English blends? Latakia is a primary tobacco used in English style blends. It is cherished for its multifaceted nature and finds itself at home in a multitude of tobacco blends. It intertwines its essence harmoniously with Virginia and Oriental tobaccos, transforming them into captivating compositions that delight the senses .
  14. What is the impact of Latakia tobacco on the flavor of a blend? Latakia tobacco has a strong, smoky flavor that can characterize a blend even in small quantities. However, if too much Latakia is added, the blend may become too monochromatic, losing its nuance and complexity .
  15. What is the future of Latakia tobacco production? The future of Latakia tobacco production is uncertain due to various challenges, including sociopolitical issues and the risk of damage during the fire-curing process. However, its unique flavor and popularity in pipe tobacco blends suggest that it will continue to be a significant part of the tobacco industry .


  1. “On the Culture of Latakia Tobacco” by Charles Guys .
  2. “The Story of Latakia Tobacco” by J. F. McBryde .

Sources of information:

  1. Wikipedia – Latakia (tobacco)
  2. A Tale of Two Latakias
  3. Latakia Tobacco History – The Smoky History of Latakia Tobacco
  4. A Closer Look At Latakia Tobacco
  5. Latakia: How the Regime Destroyed Its Cornerstone’s Economy – The Syrian Observer
  6. Types of Tobacco – SUTLIFF
  7. The Enigmatic Path of Latakia Tobacco: From Syria to Cyprus and Beyond
  8. Latakia Tobacco: Unraveling the Enigmatic Journey – Archive-It
  9. Latakia Production – a Quest for Details
  10. Lovin Latakia


  1. Wikipedia – Latakia (tobacco)
  2. A Tale of Two Latakias
  3. Latakia Tobacco History – The Smoky History of Latakia Tobacco
  4. A Closer Look At Latakia Tobacco
  5. Latakia: How the Regime Destroyed Its Cornerstone’s Economy – The Syrian Observer
  6. Types of Tobacco – SUTLIFF
  7. The Enigmatic Path of Latakia Tobacco: From Syria to Cyprus and Beyond
  8. Latakia Tobacco: Unraveling the Enigmatic Journey – Archive-It
  9. Latakia Production – a Quest for Details
  10. Lovin Latakia